| Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight OST Vol. 2 | Released by: Victor Entertainment | Product #: VICL-60244 |
Bootlegged by: Son May | Product #: GGG-107 |
Bootlegged by: Ever Anime | Product #: A8-922 |
Cost: ¥ 3,045 | Released on: 9.23.98 |
Total running time: 43:21 |
Comments: The BGMs are woven into a beautiful flowing piece of music. This soundtrack offers some of the best BGMs the new Lodoss series has to offer. Definatley pick this one up if you have the chance. I've got all the titles translated I just need to find them. |
Track # | MP3/MIDI | Lyrics | Song Title Japanese | Composed/Arranged, Written, Sung by: |
# 1. IM Vocal 5:41 | MP3 | Jap Scan |  | Top of scan |
# 2. IM Vocal 3:51 | - | Jap Scan | 
 | Top of scan |
# 3. 1:22 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 4. 1:24 | MP3 | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 5. 1:25 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 6. 1:26 | MP3 | BGM |  | Compser: Kaoru Wada |
# 7. 1:15 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 8. 1:14 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 9. 1:22 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 10. 1:29 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 11. 2:08 | MP3 | BGM |  | Compser: Kaoru Wada |
# 12. 1:19 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 13. 3:38 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 14. 0:57 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 15. 1:05 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 16. 1:16 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 17. 2:06 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 18. 1:20 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 19. 0:59 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 20. 1:12 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 21. 1:00 | - | BGM |  | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 22. 1:04 | - | BGM | 
 | Composer: Kaoru Wada |
# 23. IM Vocal 4:13 | MP3 | Jap Scan |  | Top of scan Singer: Chie Ishibashi |
Where to Buy: Animenation TokyoPop |