| I'm looking for people to help out with a FAQ or guide to this game, if you want to help just email. I will have more here soon. You can download the game HERE. You will need an emulator to run the game.(an emulator is software that emulates the workings of another machine, such as the Gameboy Color) I reccomend SMYGB WIN95. You need DriectX 6 for this so try DBOY if it doesn't work for you. If you need an unzipping utility heres pkunzip. Just unzip SMYGB into its own directory and read the readme.txt.(if this is your first stab at playing emulated games) Then run smygb.exe. Its that easy. Controls: "X" and "Z" are "A" and "B", "Return" is "Start" and "RShift" is "Select", use the arrow pad. IMPORTANT!: After you unzip the game you need to rename it with a ".gb" extension instead of it being ".gbc"!! Screen shots: 1 2 3 4 5 6